Set in Detroit.

Christopher Ryan is a writer by trade, who works in servicing his local community by day. His creative passion is amplified within his science fiction stories that enthrall a widde variety of readers. As a breakout author Ryan looks forward to reshaping the readers understanding of his hometown, Detroit, shaping a chasm of enveloped chaos.

  • Crowdfund

    As Christopher Ryan approaches th final stagtes of publication, he’s seeking support for his first novel’s release. Supporters can be a part of this valuable stage in the novel’s publication process through the support of his 60-day crowdfund campaign by clicking below.

  • Presale

    A presale copy of Christopher Ryan’s first novel will be made available to those who select to purchase by clicking the button below. Upon it’s release a printed copy will be mailed to your provided address. Presale purchasesvia this platfrorm are guaranteed indpendent of the crowdfund.

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